If you want to reach the Cinque Terre with all comfort and ease you might want to consider a private transfer service, taking you directly to the five villages in the Cinque Terre. Very convenient in particular and for those who arrive by plane at very early or late times and want to be picked up at the airport, this is probably the most simple way to reach your destination.
Cinque Terre Transfer is a car rental company, offering transfer services from and to airports and stations giving the chance to rent a car with professional drivers also to tour the major touristic attractions in the surroundings of La Spezia such as Pisa, Florence, the marble quarries of Carrara, Portofino, also at night.
If you stay in the Cinque Terre, the two Mercedes Viano and Vito cars of 8 and 9 seats each can take also small groups of people in the restricted traffic areas of the villages of Riomaggiore and Manarola.
The car rental with driver is also availabe to take you to local shopping centres as well as to offer a shuttle service for private events such as anniversaries, gatherings and for clubbing nights out, allowing you to have fun without having to drive back home.
Available everyday 24h, Marzio and Luciana are based in Riomaggiore and their services can be booked by email 5terretransfer@libero.it or mobile phone: +39 3403565268, +39 3391301183
cinque terre transfer, sponsored
By Tessa
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