It all begins with the solemn night procession on the 4th of September, when the ancient hamlet lights up with candles to honor Nostra Signora delle Grazie. On that same day, there is also a small but exciting boat race called “Regata Rotta di Mezzo”.
For foodies, the highlight of the week is the Octopus Festival (Sagra del Polpo) between 7-11 September. You will be able to taste this typical delicacy in different ways, as enjoyed by the locals of La Spezia.
Don’t miss the fireworks show on the night of 10 September!
Furthermore, between 6 and 11 of September, the town’s Convento degli Olivetani hosts a exhibitions on handcrafts in Portoro marble and paintings by artists of “Il Volo dell’Arte” cultural association.
Le Grazie is a small borgo marinaro (fishing village) that is part of the medieval sea hamlet of Portovenere.
If you leave Portovenere in the direction of La Spezia – whether by car, bicycle or boat – quite quickly you will reach Le Grazie perched on a peaceful inlet. Here, the local population has been engaged for centuries in the traditional arts of boat building and fishing.
A stroll in the historic center will lead you to the 15th-century Church of Nostra Signora delle Grazie. Inside it, admire the carved wooden choir by Frà Paolo da Recco, a painting of the Madonna and beautiful frescoes.
Moving towards the area of Varignano Vecchio, you will find an archaeological site with the ruins of a Roman Villa dating back to the first half of the 1st century BC.
If you would like to visit the traditional festival of Madonna delle Grazie, the boutique Grand Hotel Portovenere enjoys a panoramic location in the neighboring village of Portovenere, entry point to the Cinque Terre.
Le Grazie, sleep in Portovenere
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Explore Liguria's "Bay of Poets" with Discover Portovenere Blog, brought you by Grand Hotel Portovenere.
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